iStockphoto siempre a sido quizá la agencia más quisquillosa con las palabras clave de las fotos subidas. Aparte de tener un sistema algo tedioso de utilizar para introducir keywords, siempre han tenido un especial interés en que dichas palabras sean exactamente lo que hay en la foto, y poco más alejado del concepto. Personalmente, creo que aproximadamente el 30% o 40% de mis imágenes rechazadas, han sido por este motivo (por suerte siempre te dejan volver a subir las fotos quitándo las palabras que consideran erróneas). Finalmente, uno aprende a no usar ciertas palabras en esta agencia (cuando en otra funcionan perfectamente).
El caso es que, tras ser aceptada la foto, siempre se podía editarla y colocar ya las palabras que uno quisiera, saltándose toda norma. Pero ojito, desde hace unos días, iStockphoto ha empezado a actuar con lo que llaman ZTS (zero tolerance spam). Parece ser que ahora empezarán a revisar portfolios en busca de palabras claramente no significativas en las imágenes, y por lo visto en plan serio e inquisitivo, con amenazas de cierres de portfolios en caso de encontrar mucho spam.
Según dicen, eso sí, primero se dará un warning para corregir los posibles problemas, pero luego.... tacatá! Así que ojito. Ahí abajo os dejo el mensajito de aviso del foro de iStock, con su link por si quereis seguir el hilo.
Un saludo, y cuidaditooo
Front Page Blog: Dropkick Spam - ZTS (Zero Tolerance Spam)
On 2008-10-10 14:24:42, bitter wrote:
We talk a lot about spam around here – about inappropriate keywords that have nothing to do with a file, but are included anyway to get into more search results. We hate spam.We hate isolated televisions keyworded 'nightlife' and 'quality control'. We hate jigsaw puzzles that have nothing to do with 'community', 'cooperation', or 'inspiration' but have all those keywords anyway. Christmas? Don't even get us started.Bad keywording is a constant stumbling block in front of good search results, and even though we have articles, Wikis, an army of summer staff, and enough forum text to wrap the planet, it continues to be a problem. We've created a whole team of people to fix spam after the fact. What we haven't had is consequences. Now we do. We are pushing back, hard.We know that people make mistakes. That language can be tricky, and that keywording can be genuinely difficult. If you have a hard time keywording, we want to educate you, not punish you. The resources for proper keywords are available at everyone's fingertips. Here's something to get you started:But beyond that, there are contributors here who include bad, inappropriate keywords on every single image they upload. Even worse, sometimes the spam is added after a file inspected. There are piles of bad keywords in huge portfolios. We've asked everyone to stop, to change, to improve. Lots of people listened. Some didn't. That's who we're going to have an issue with.In 7 days, we will begin contacting contributors and giving them advanced warning. We will be deactivating the portfolios of contributors in clear violation of our keyword policies. Please have a look through your portfolio to make sure that none of your isolated bell peppers are keyworded as 'Christmas' or 'business'. A few errors on a few files are totally understandable and we'll help you fix those eventually. What we're pursuing here is the serial spammer. You probably know who you are. If you don't, I guess you soon will. We're happy to answer any questions you might have in the mean time.If anyone has any questions, please post them here or email or submit a ticket
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